
most of是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

most of

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1.大多数 day before yesterday 前天
most of 大多数
smiling face 面带微笑

2.绝大多数 50.a few 几个,—些 51.most of 绝大多数 52.decide to do sth. 决定做某事 ...

3.大部分 32. both…and……… 和……都 33. most of… 大多数……,大部分…… 1. how long …

4.大多数的 26 moment 片刻;瞬间 27 most of 大多数的 28 music 音乐 ...

5.的大多数 get together 聚在一起 most of … … 的大多数 be bad for sth. 对…有 坏处的 ...

6.中的大多数 call…at + 电话号码 拨…找… 19. most of…… 中的大多数 23. both…and… 两者 …

7.中大多数 ... 34.a world class sb/musician 世界级人物/音乐家 47.most of… … 中大多数 59.keep healthy= stay healthy 保持健康 ...

8.大部分的 444.at last 终于/最后 445.most of大部分的… 448.fly to sp. 乘飞机去… ...


1.So far, American manufacturers have had to suck up most of the increase in the prices of their raw materials, with predictable consequences.到目前为止,美国制造商不得不随其原材料价格的上涨提高价格,承受可以预见的后果。

2."I wouldn't feel they would have changed, " she said, explaining that most of her pictures are promised to museums.她答道,“没什么什么不同,”因为展览馆许诺接收她的大部分收藏品。

3.The tentacles of the dark Ones have penetrated most of the great institutions on a worldwide basis.黑暗势力的触手已经渗透在全球范围内的最强大的机构里。

4.The question of choosing a washing machine can be a confusing one and most of us do not think of it until our machine breaks down.干洗机的问题,选择一台洗衣机可以是一个混乱的一和我们大多数人并不认为它,直到我们的机器坏了。

5.Don't get caught up in the game and worry so much about being popular during your teen years, because most of life comes after.不要沉溺于攀比的游戏中,不要为在青少年时代走红而大伤脑筋,人的一生还长着呢!

6.I'm sure most of you think Tracy McGrady belongs higher than #29, and I have to tell you why he doesn't.我确信你们中的大多数人认为特雷西麦克格雷迪理应取得比第29位更高的排名,接下来就由我来告诉你们他为什么不够格。

7.He tried pouring a drink, but you could hear the clicking sound across the street, and most of the stuff wound up in his shoes.他想倒一杯酒,但是瓶碰杯子的咔嗒声从街上就能听到,而且大部分都淌进了他的鞋子。

8.At the moment though, Mr Obama seems to be doing most of the reassuring.不过目前看来,似乎是奥巴马在做大部分的保证工作。

9.Furniture chair as an important part of the performance of most of the furniture is one of the rooms of a cultural symbol.椅子作为家具的重要组成部分,是最富表现力的家具之一,也是居室文化的一种象征。

10.In Taiwan, however, most of these patients were cared in hospital during their last days of life despite their wish to be cared at home.然而在台湾,不论诊断别,多数末期病人的生命末期都在医院度过,鲜少能够回到社区接受照顾。